March 18, 2015

Tales to Astonish #42

April 1963
Writers: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Artist: Don Heck

"The Voice of Doom!"

This issue introduces us to Jason Cragg... the most dangerous mortal on Earth!  What's his secret?  Why is he so dangerous?  Mr. Cragg has a very special voice.  Anything he commands, must be done.  None can resist him. The first command that he gives to the growing crowd under his thrall?  Drive the Ant-Man from the city. 

At this point in the story, we are granted a glimpse into the recent past to learn how Cragg came by his powers and his hatred.  Cragg was a pitiful radio announcer when one day he got zapped by some form of radiation through his microphone, which bestowed upon him his hypnotic voice.  Cragg became very popular and promptly quit for a life of crime.  One day, while walking the streets, Cragg noticed the love that the city heaped upon Ant-Man. He decided that the largest test of this powers would be to turn the city against their beloved hero.

Back to the present and the city-wide manhunt for the Ant-Man is underway.  Our hero, meanwhile, is immune to Cragg's powers thanks to his trusty helmet.  The citizens of the city have turned this asset to a disadvantage with powerful magnets that they are using to locate the tiny superhero (for real).  Ant-Man removes the helmet and quickly succumbs to Cragg's voice.  Cragg commands him to walk off a pier and into the water (presumably to then drown).

Luckily, the Ant-Man's six-legged friends save the day by dragging him out of the water and on to dry land.  Hank returns to his home base and devises a plan.  The next day, the plan is put into motion.  Through trickery and threats, the Ant-Man forces Cragg to release his command of the city (and sings the praises of our hero). Once the oration is finished, Cragg's voice gives out.  He can no longer speak!

How did Ant-Man pull this off?  He gave him laryngitis.

A wacky tale, but actually quite enjoyable.

Next issue: Ant-Man vs. Time!

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