March 5, 2015

Journey Into Mystery #88

January 1963
Writers: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Artist: Jack Kirby

"The Vengeance of Loki"

As the title might indicate, this issue features the return of Loki.  Our story begins in Asgard with a brooding mischief maker bemoaning his lot.  Loki conjures a spell that allows him to spy upon the mighty Thor.  He watches our hero change into the lame Dr. Donald Blake.  He learns that he hammer is the source of the power.  And so, a new plan is hatched.

Loki manages to sneak out of Asgard by turning into a snake and slithering between the legs of Heimdall and down the rainbow bridge.  Once on Earth, Loki takes the form of an old man and enters the office of Dr. Blake.  He tricks Jane Foster into letting him in to see the doctor.  Once inside, he reveals himself to Blake, who promptly changes into Thor.  Loki demands battle and they agree to meet in one hour at central park.  Little does Thor know that Loki has hypnotically commanded Jane to go to the park, as well.

At the park, the battle begins! Loki turns a tree into a tiger which attacks first Thor and second the wandering Jane Foster.  Thor saves Jane but becomes separated from his hammer by more than a minute, after which Loki entraps the hammer and Blake is powerless to do anything about it.  In triumph, Loki soars off in the form of a bird and vows to wreak havoc upon the defenseless planet. 

After a series of attacks both large and small around the world, Loki is issued a challenge by Thor.  But how can this be?  With the hammer trapped, there can be no Thor!  Curious and mildly enraged, Loki goes to confront this challenge at the same park where the hammer is still trapped.  Blake tricks Loki into releasing the hammer using a wax Thor dummy (really).  Back in his immortal form, Thor makes quick work of the god of mischief and he banishes him back to Asgard.

Another fun issue from Stan and Jack.  Whenever the Asgardians show up, I'm in.

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