March 16, 2015

Tales of Suspense #39

March 1963
Writers: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Artist: Don Heck

Lo... we have an iron man.  Just as Stan and Jack wrap up their Incredible Hulk series, Stan creates a brand new character (along with Don Heck) in the pages of Tales of Suspense: Anthony Stark, the Iron Man. 

The origin story in this issue is one that near everyone knows by know (as it was popularized in a little movie that came out a few years ago).  Obviously, the movie version was a bit updated, but the overall story is much the same.

Wealthy industrialist and genius scientist Tony Stark has developed technology for the US government that they would like his help employing in the ongoing battle in Vietnam.  The basis of the majority of his inventions are miniaturized transistors, by the way (which Stan seems to think can do ANYTHING).  While in Vietnam, Stark is captured by the Wong-Chu the tyrant.  During the attack shrapnel is lodged near Stark's heart and he has only week to live.  Wong-Chu promises he will help Stark if Stark designs him a weapon.  Stark agrees and the tyrant provides help in the form of Professor Yinsen.

The two of them work diligently together, not on a weapon for Wong-Chu, but on a suit of armor, naturally.  Stark dons the suit, which also keeps his heart beating.  Yinsen is dragged away by the guards and killed, but the new Iron Man is able to fight his way to freedom, freeing the other prisoners and destroying the Vietnamese base in the process. Stark walks off into the night, knowing that he owes his life to Yinsen and the armor - the armor which he must charge frequently to keep his heart beating.

Don Heck and Stan Lee introduce us to a great new character in Anthony Stark, a character that they imbue with a weakness in that fantastic Marvel Manner.  In the issues to come, we'll explore the evolution of the Iron Man armor and we'll be introduced to a wonderful supporting cast.

Next issue: an armor change, already?

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