June 28, 2008

Episode One

A thank you to everyone for checking out episode zero.

Episode One has just been released. It's a tad longer than the introduction episode, coming in just around one hour long. The episode would have gone out Wednesday evening, but due to a couple delays (including screwing up the edited file on audacity and being rather sick yesterday), the episode wasn't put out until now.

For this week's episode: Glenn gives his feelings on One More Day and Brand New Day, I ramble for a bit about some of the books that I’ve read lately, xander gives his opinion on the state of the industry as far as Marvel and DC are concerned, baird rambles, Ray gives his Comics Countdown for this week’s releases, and Hock delves into the first trade paperback of Atomic Robo.

I'm still learning the ropes of the editing business, so forgive the episode if it sounds a little rough. We will get better at this.

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