April 13, 2015

Journey Into Mystery #93

June 1963
Writers: Stan Lee and Robert Bernstein
Artist: Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers

"The Mysterious Radio-Active Man!"

This issue features the debut of a long-standing Marvel character, Chen Lu the Radioactive Man (not to be confused with the guy on the Simpsons).  His character will grow a lot over the years, but there are some hints of who he eventually becomes.  I also feel that I must mention the color choice that Marvel used in this era to depict people from China; it's an off-putting pale yellow color...

On to the story!

We begin in India, where Dr. Donald Blake is working with an American medical mission to provide assistance to the war-torn region.  When the camp is suddenly attacked, Thor quickly takes charge, pushing back the enemy combatants.  The following morning, word of Thor's exploits has reached the communist headquarters in Peking.  The leaders decide that something must be done to stop Thor.  A Dr. Chen Lu volunteers to head the project.

Later, Dr. Lu muses to himself that Radio-Activity is the best means with which to make a human super-powerful, much more than atomic power.  Dr. Lu has discovered a means with which to subject a human to sufficient radio-activity to change his entire atomic structure.  He decides that he will be the test-subject.  And lo is born the Radio-Active Man.  After his transformation, Dr. Lu destroys his laboratory so that no man can ever reproduce his accomplishment. 

A week later, the Radio-Active Man heads to New York City, whereupon he attacks local police, terrifies a crowd of people, and demands that Thor come forward to meet him in battle.  The challenge is answered!  And Thor is fairly quickly defeated.  Dr. Lu uses his radioactive powers to put him into a hypnotic trance (somehow).  He forces Thor to toss away his hammer (he actually flings it through the air, forcing Dr. Lu to chase after his prize).  After he runs off - about 60 seconds later - Thor changes back into Blake.  Luckily for our hero, Blake is not hypnotized. 

The Radio-Active Man is unable to find the hammer and returns, frustrated, to find Blake and no Thor.  Blake tricks Dr. Lu into thinking that Thor has run off and then immediately Blake sets about to find the hammer.  Once he does, he creates a fantastic tornado, which whisks the Radio-Active Man back to red China.  Upon his landing in China, a fantastic explosion erupts, seemingly killing Dr. Lu and (unknown to Thor) sending a message to the communists.

Next: Loki!

1 comment:

bairdduvessa said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good old family accepted racism