Journey Into Mystery #96
Writers: Stan Lee and R. BernsArtist: Joe Sinnott
"Defying the Magic of Mad Merlin!"
Synopsis: The crypt of the magician Merlin (he of King Arthur's court) is discovered in England and sent to the New York Museum for some experts to study. Unfortunately for our scientists, Merlin awakens from his slumber (which was apparently some spell he cast). We learn that Merlin is actually a mutant. And we learn that he wishes to take over the world. First stop, President Kennedy (there's some nice Camelot parallels here). Meanwhile, Don Blake and Jane Foster bicker, followed by Thor racing off to battle Merlin. After a brief battle, our hero defeats Merlin and convinces him to cast a new spell to return to his comatose state.
Tales of Suspense #45
Writers: Stan Lee and R. BernsArtist: Don Heck
"The Icy Fingers of Jack Frost"
Synopsis: With this issue we are introduced to two long-standing Iron Man supporting cast members: Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan. Happy enters our tale when Tony crashes a race car and Happy jumps in to rescue Tony. With an enormous sense of gratitude, Tony offers Happy a job as his chauffeur/bodyguard. Happy is introduced to Pepper Potts (whose name may actually be Kitty if this issue is to be believed) and she introduces him to a very cold shoulder. Thus begins a long sub-plot of bickering/flirting between the two of them and a love triangle (along with Tony, of course). A bit later, Iron Man discovers an employee trying to steal from Stark. The man is fired, but don't worry, dear reader, he returns in short order as "Jack Frost", now with a freeze gun ala Captain Cold. Iron Man defeats the enemy fairly quickly, mostly by using heat.
Tales to Astonish #47
Writers: Stan Lee and HE HuntleyArtist: Don Heck
"Music to Scream By"
Synopsis: This month, Ant-Man and Wasp run afoul of a man named Trago with a magical trumpet. When played correctly, the trumpet can hypnotize whomever hears it. After our heroes fall under the sway of the trumpet, their friendly ants drag them away to safety. Armed with some ear discs (which block the sound, I suppose), Ant-Man and Wasp prevail and manage to trick Trago into playing the wrong tune, which casts amnesia upon the player. Yup.